Trying to Get Organized

Well it's 10:48 and I did manage to go to Stop & Shop, did 2 loads of laundry found some flannel-lined pants and tried to organize what to bring in terms of paper, panels and paint to the dune shack. I had planned on NOT bringing encaustic paint, but in the middle of the night last night thought about the wood stove and thought....hmmmmmm, I think I will bring my encaustic paints and work on paper. Maybe a few small panels. I have been using a torch for the past year, and it will be good.

Looking forward to being with nature and the quiet. To be disconnected. To try and force relaxation as I have had a cold that turned into a cough for 3 weeks, and do need to just do nothing. So this is a forced time to get better and heal. Drink lots of water and Emergen-Cs. Walks on the beach. Spread some color. And be out of town for Woman's Week! I like that part....


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